aigu Bar & Lounge
Welcome to the aigu Bar! Get comfortable in our modern bar & lounge and enjoy a refreshing cocktail in pleasant company. Celebrate an evening of music with us or arrange your own event. Whether you are planning a small birthday party, a corporate event, or a large wedding celebration, we provide the perfectly sized space as well as our passion and dedication for a flawless implementation.
Cocktails, Drinks, Snacks & Music
- 8
Employees with passion
Non-smoking Bar
& Lounge- 350
Large capacity for standing events
place-to-rhapsody: Where We Serve Up Melodies
Care to spend an evening in timeless elegance? Book our exclusive Piano Vibes special package today and take a seat at our converted grand piano, which has become a hip spot to lean on or pull up a seat.
Book now and let's celebrate the sounds and flavours of life together!